March Horoscopes 2021

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Hibernation is almost over, Aries. Slowing down is not your forte, but lately you just haven’t been able to hit your stride like you normally do. You have no shortage of people to see and plans to make, and yet you’ve been more inclined to stay close to home and keep your schedule lighter than usual. 

Don’t feel guilty about needing more alone time these days. The universe has been trying to remind you that you’re already doing more than enough and you deserve a break. Spring is around the corner and your birthday is coming up soon, which means you’ll be ready to be back in full force before you know it.

Pay close attention to what comes up for you around Tuesday, March 24, when the Aries new moon arrives. This new lunar cycle kicks off an extra-potent time for you to embark on a new path, personally or professionally.

If you do one thing this month:

Get ready to take action on a plan or project you’ve been working on behind the scenes this winter. 

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Taurus (April 20 – May 20) 

Go ahead and indulge. Venus, your ruler, comes home when she enters Taurus on Tuesday, March 4, which is where she’ll be for the rest of the month. What does this mean for you? For starters, it will ramp up the good vibes and bring you a boost of confidence. Venus wants you to feel good in your own skin, and encourages you to find pleasure in all you do.

But some of the things that used to make you happy are in flux at the moment. You might find that you’re not as excited by some of your old vices as you used to be—and that’s OK. There are new sources of joy and excitement waiting for you this month, but you won’t find them if you keep forcing yourself to stick to the same old scene you always go back to.

Don’t settle for something that no longer lights you up, and beware of the temptation to stay in your comfort zone.

If you do one thing this month:

Try something new. Instead of sticking to your usual routine, find a new restaurant or café, explore a different neighbourhood or connect with an acquaintance you’d like to get to know better.

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Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Pay careful attention to any bumps in the road at work this month. And don’t let them scare you. The purpose behind any frustrations that arise is to help you learn new solutions, better boundaries and options within your career path. 

March may bring a wake-up call for your true calling. You might realize you’re not working to your full potential, or begin looking for work that feels more fulfilling and aligned with your purpose. This is also a time to get clearer about how you want to be treated on the job, and to learn how to communicate those needs better.  Your lessons might come in the disguise of a difficult co-worker or demanding client. Stay open to what you can learn about yourself.

If you do one thing this month:

Get clear about what you really need in order to do your best at work. Come up with a game plan to assert yourself more or to start making changes that will help you reach your potential.

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Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The first half of March is a key time for you to network, connect and share your energy with others. Schedule some face time with your BFFs and stay open to invitations, especially if there’s a chance for you to meet new people or try new things.

Your social life is lit up right now, but it’s also prime time for you to make some fresh connections in your career and community. Your enthusiasm is infectious this month and you could find yourself making valuable contacts and building new relationships by being in the right place at the right time.

Once mid-March rolls around, you will want to turn your focus inward. Make time to stay in and get recharged for spring.

If you do one thing this month:

Connect with your community. Explore some volunteer opportunities, or offer to help with an important project at work. 

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Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You have a knack for giving great advice and your ability to empathize and strategize on behalf of others is particularly strong this month. 

You might find yourself playing therapist to your friends, as you can become everyone’s favourite confidante right now. You have perceptive insights on what’s up with people around you, especially for those friends who keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

But even though you can see exactly how to fix everyone else’s problems, it doesn’t mean you can force them to change. A lesson for you this month is to remember not to take it personally if a friend doesn’t follow through on your guidance. All you can do is try to help, but the rest is up to them.

If you do one thing this month:

Some people may need your support more than they can admit right now. Show up in the best way you can and trust that you’re appreciated by those around you.  

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Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Take spring cleaning to a new level, Virgo. March’s full moon falls in your sign on Monday, March 9, signalling a time for you to check in with what’s unfolded for you over the last six months. This full moon marks a turning point for you to look at what you’re ready to let go of in order to make more room in your life for something new once spring rolls around.

What might that look like? Sometimes spring cleaning is more than just clearing out your junk drawer and organizing your closet. Look at how you’ve grown or changed in recent months.

Are there any old goals or intentions you’re still holding space for? Release what is no longer relevant to who you are today.

If you do one thing this month:

Clear out any mental and physical clutter that’s taking up space in your heart, head, or home. Set the intention to make space for new energy and experiences just in time for spring. 

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Libra (September 23 – October 22)

March encourages you to practice self-compassion. Watch where you chronically put others first, especially if it’s at the expense of your own happiness. Stop putting off your own pleasure and start making yourself as much of a priority as you do for those around you. It’s not selfish to have time to yourself, or to make time for your own hobbies, interests or self-care.

But beyond looking after yourself, a bigger lesson for you this month is to learn how to let others look after you.How can you let someone help you right now? Let yourself be the one who’s on the receiving end these days, rather than the one who’s always making sure everyone else is taken care of first.

If you do one thing this month:

Let someone help you out. Ask for a favour, or admit that you need a break from something. 

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Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

So far, 2020 might be feeling like it has you competing in a marathon that you don’t remember signing up for. And you might not be sure where the finish line is just yet. But don’t worry: Relief is on the way. The pressure will begin to lift by the end of March and you’ll start to feel like you have some breathing room again.

You’ve been working a lot harder than you might have expected this year, but trust that payoff is on the horizon. There is magic happening behind the scenes for you right now that will eventually help you to step into your power in a much bigger way.

If you do one thing this month:

Try not to take on new projects or fill your schedule up with unnecessary plans. Finish what you’ve started first.

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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Where do you see yourself in the next couple of years, Sagittarius?

March’s astrology encourages you to get clear about your deepest intentions. What’s in your heart that you would like the universe to hold for you? What special wish, dream or plan would you be thrilled to see come to fruition in a year or two? 

Imagine your future self. Get creative about who and what you are ready to become. It’s not always easy for fire signs like you to make a commitment that feels far off into the distance. But the point of this exercise isn’t to put yourself in a box. It’s to help you see what you don’t need to be focusing on anymore so that you can start to take different steps to get to where you want to go.

If you do one thing this month:

Create a vision board that represents the dreams you want to make real in the coming years.

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Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

The stars are giving you a beautiful opportunity to make time to work hard and play hard this month. You can accomplish a lot right now personally and professionally, as long as you’re clear on what’s most worthy of your time and energy.

You have energy to burn these days but you’ll want to make sure you’re using it wisely. You can have a tendency to spend more time than you need to on planning or processing your next move rather than taking action. Allow yourself to gain some momentum.

The full moon on March 9 can bring an opportunity to connect with a mentor or make a new contact who can open your mind to a fresh perspective. If there’s a workshop or course you’ve been meaning to sign up for, now is the time.

If you do one thing this month:

Say yes to new invitations and look for opportunities you can create for yourself. 

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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You’re going to be taking some new directions in the coming years, Aquarius, and this month brings you a glimpse of what that can look like. Saturn, your traditional ruler, enters your sign on Saturday, March 21. Saturn has been in Capricorn since 2017 and it’s getting ready to spend the next few years in Aquarius, signalling an important shift for you.

You’ve been overdue for a breakthrough—or just a break—and it feels like it’s been a long time coming since you had one. This month can bring the start of something new for you. Get ready to be re-inspired by your life’s journey and to recommit to your wildest, weirdest ideas. The world is getting ready to hear from you.

If you do one thing this month:

Start tuning into new sources of inspiration. Keep a notebook handy you so you can jot down any ideas that come your way. 

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Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Communication can feel like a struggle right now, and you might be called in to help with some sticky situations regarding misunderstandings or hurt feelings. The universe is encouraging you to be a peace-maker and mediator. It’s not always easy for you to remain impartial, because you feel everyone’s stuff so deeply. But the astrology of March encourages you to trust in yourself as a wise old soul who knows exactly what others need to hear.

Your job this month is to help someone feel seen and heard. You have the gift to heal some sensitive situations right now if you allow others to feel empowered by their own abilities to understand the world around them.

If you do one thing this month:

Be a good listener and a gentle presence. Make an effort to uplift others and offer a shoulder to cry on to someone who needs it.

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